gocek.org podcasts, information for publishers

This page provides information for publishers of MP3s whose web pages are being scraped for links by Gary Gocek. gocek.org hosts only RSS files (not the MP3s).
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Some audio podcasts and MP3 collections do not provide an RSS subscription file ("feed"). My program "mp3scraper" (free and open-source) scrapes web pages and generate RSS files, and the RSS files I generate are hosted here at gocek.org. The RSS files contain the publishers' original MP3 links (the MP3s are not hosted on gocek.org).
MEDIA PUBLISHERS OF MP3s!!! Please add an original, valid RSS file to your site, and I'll stop scraping your home page! By the way, I scrape some web pages when an existing RSS file can't be used. If your RSS file is multiple megabytes or uses unusual characters or embedded HTML in the RSS item descriptions, it may cause problems for some podcactchers.
gocek.org's use of links to third-party sites and the automated scraping of third-party sites are not illegal nor a copyright violation in the United States (fair-use, factual content, etc.). Web site usage policies are not legally binding with respect to public content, i.e., content available without authentication. gocek.org tries to conform to usage policies when known as a matter of courtesy, and not because they have some legal force over how the web works. The third party sites to which gocek.org's RSS files link do not promote or endorse gocek.org's causes, ideas, web sites, products or services.
By providing links to other sites, gocek.org does not guarantee, approve, or endorse the information or products available on those sites.
My disclaimers aren't any more legally binding than others' usage policies.
The main podcast page provides direct links to the publisher web sites as well as to the RSS files hosted at gocek.org, and the RSS files contain links to publisher content. Publishers may revoke permission for gocek.org to link to their content. The act of linking is not a violation or copyright or trademark law. However, permission may be revoked by contacting the owner of gocek.org.
Gary Gocek, gary@gocek.org
Just ask plainly, and I'll remove the RSS files and links. Provide evidence such as a relevant email address and a human name that you have the authority to revoke permission for a site. gocek.org is a legitimate publisher of family-friendly information, not related to the city of Göcek in Turkey. However, I will remove links upon request. I'm just a guy in my living room, so removal will take a couple of days.
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