This story is a parody of life around Fairport and the encompassing town of Perinton, in upstate New York, southeast of Rochester. The "lift bridge" over the Erie Canal has been closed for repairs since September 2019, blocking the north/south route through the village. This story originally appeared in December, 2020. The appearance of a fictional character is best understood if you have at least a passing familiarity with Perry Portly and the Fake DNA Results.
Oh where, oh where has my little bridge gone?
My plans, my plans how you thwart!
I can't go south, 'cause it takes too long,
So now, I'm stuck in Fairport!
I'm off to Macedon, end of the day,
The railroad tracks did I cross.
What's that I see, impeding my way?
BRIDGE CLOSED! No choice but to pause.
Train in Fairport
Oh Perry Portly, what would he do?
He'd find a way with his wits.
But now on 250, I can't get through,
My GPS, on the fritz!
Then Perry appeared, to make it quite plain,
He seemed to appear from thin air.
He pointed my way, down Liftbridge Lane,
The Parker Street bridge was down there.
Oh where, oh where has my little bridge gone?
How long will it be? Still we ask!
There's no more to say in this sad song.
Stay safe. Good luck. Wear a mask.
The names of characters are related to Fairport/Perinton.
Lift bridge - a sort of drawbridge, but the whole bridge rises rather than splitting in half.
Perry Portly – a fictional name twisted from Perinton and Fairport.
Macedon – another village near Fairport.
Route 250 and Liftbridge Lane – roads in the center of the village of Fairport.
Acknowledgments - thanks, as always, to my lovely wife. Thanks to the construction workers continuing their work through the COVID-19 pandemic and into another winter.
Thanks for reading my story. I hope you laugh a little. Please email me your comments.