Forms of Address for Christian Clergy

Written form:
The Venerable John Smith
Formal: Venerable and Dear Sir/Madam
Informal: Dear Archdeacon Smith
Less formal: Dear Archdeacon
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Venerable John Smith
Informal: The Archdeacon of -----
Less formal: Archdeacon Smith
BISHOP (Presiding, Coadjutor, Suffragen)
Written form:
The Right Reverend John Smith
Formal: Right Reverend and Dear Sir/Madam
Informal: Dear Bishop Smith
Less formal: Dear Bishop
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Right Reverend John Smith
Informal: The Bishop of -----
Less formal: Bishop Smith
Written form:
Brother John Joseph, O.S.B.
Formal: Dear Brother John Joseph
Informal: Dear Brother
Formal: Dear Reverend Father Superior
Informal: Dear Father
Speaking introduction:
Formal: Brother John Joseph
Less formal: Brother John
Formal: The Reverend Father Superior
Informal: Reverend Father Superior of -----
Less formal: Father
CANON (Precentor, Pastor, Chancellor, Missioner, Archivist, Almoner, Burser, Prebendary, Residentiary, Sacrist)
Written form:
The Reverend John Smith
 Canon of -----
Formal: Reverend and Dear Sir/Madam
Informal: Dear Canon Smith
Less formal: Dear Canon
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Reverend John Smith
Informal: The Canon ----- of -----
Less formal: Canon Smith
Written form:
The Reverend Mary Smith
Formal: Reverend and Dear Sir/Madam
Informal: Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Smith
Not ordained:
Deaconess Mary Smith
Formal: Dear Deaconess Smith
Informal: Dear Deaconess
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Reverend Mary Smith
Informal: The Reverend Mr./Ms./Mrs. Smith
Less formal: Mr./Ms./Mrs. Smith
DEAN - an ordained leader of a cathedral or school.
Written form:
The Very Reverend John Smith
Formal: Very Reverend and Dear Sir/Madam
Informal: Dear Dean Smith
Less formal: Dear Dean
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Very Reverend John Smith
Informal: The Dean of -----
Less formal: Dean Smith
PRIEST (Rector, Vicar, Curate, Priest-in-Charge)
Written form:
The Reverend John Smith
Formal: Reverend and Dear Sir/Madam
Less formal: Dear Sir
Informal (low church): Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Smith
Informal (high church): Dear Father Smith
Informal: Dear Doctor Smith
Speaking introduction:
Formal: The Reverend John Smith
Informal: The Rector of -----
Formal: The Reverend Mr. Smith
Less formal: Mr./Ms./Mrs. Smith
Formal: The Reverend Father Smith
Less formal: Father Smith
Formal: The Reverend Dr. Smith
Less formal: Dr. Smith
Written form:
Sister Mary Joan, O.S.M.
Dear Sister Mary
The Reverend Mother Mary Joan, O.S.M.
Informal: Reverend and Dear Mother
Less formal: Dear Sister Superior
Speaking introduction:
Formal: Sister Mary Joan
Less formal: Sister Mary
Formal: The Reverend Mother Mary Joan, O.S.M.
Informal: The Reverend Sister Superior of -----
Less formal: Sister Mary
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